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Port and Fairway studies

We can research, construct, test and evaluate port and fairway areas in our real-life simulators so you can plan and construct safe fairways and ports. We offer services like fairway feasibility studies and surveys; observational and experimental studies such as operational limit testing; and advisory services on how to plan safe and efficient fairways for ports.

Feasibility studies and surveys

We can conduct feasibility studies and surveys for the purpose to plan and construct safe ports and fairways. Our simulator environment offers a cost-effective solution in the planning and construction. Project expenses decrease when decisions are made in the right order and optimized from the beginning. With our simulator interface we can assess the fairway and port area before it is constructed and thus prevent any accidents and save false construction cost.

Observational and experimental studies

We provide observational and experimental studies to for example test operational limits of existing or planned fairway.

Aboa Mare has provided us with accurate simulator-based port and fairway studies to aid our decision making in major development projects.

Jukka KallioVP Cargo, Port of Helsinki

Aboa Mare’s fairway study has allowed Port of Helsinki to safely test a new fairway without risk to accrue accidents.

NamePort of Helsinki

We are here to provide you R&D expertise so you can focus on business

Let’s discuss how we can help you!

Contact Information

Thomas Friis
Training Director
+358 40 512 5480

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