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Authors: Tommy Valojoki, Mikael Manngård (Novia UAS)

Digital Shipping and Advanced UI’s seminar by MAST! Institute and ARPA project

On December 15th, 2022, over fifty researchers and professionals gathered in Turku to discuss and share expertise around two timely domains – Digital shipping and Advanced UI’s. The event was a joint seminar of Applied Research Platform for Autonomous shipping (ARPA) project and the MAST! Institute and arranged by Novia and Turku Universities of Applied Sciences. seminar by Novia University of Applied Sciences and Turku University of Applied Sciences. In addition to presentations, the event had seven demonstrators, for example Åbo Akademi’s research platform vessel “ÅBOAT”, the navigation and control systems of the becoming autonomous vessel of Turku UAS, AILiveSIM company presenting their simulation software as well as other maritime digitalization and metaverse research concepts.

The morning began with breakfast and Digital shipping session. Ole Andreas Alsos from Norwegian University of Science and Technology shared their experiences of trial operation of milliAmpere2, an autonomous electric passenger ferry. milliAmpere2 is technically very advanced and the public trial was highly successful from technological as well as user perspectives. The second presentation was given by George Rossides from Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute (CMMI) on the topic of robotic system implementations with a focus on moving from simulations to full-system field tests. CMMI demonstrated several of their underwater and surface robotic vessels with special use cases. Thirdly, on the stage arrived Heigo Mõlder, the CEO of MindChip, a company developing autonomous multi-purpose robotic vessels. They have a strong business approach with practical use cases, for example concerning seabed scanning. The morning session was closed with project presentations of ARPA by Jarkko Paavola and MAST! Institute by Tommy Valojoki.

The afternoon session of Advanced UI’s began after lunch. The keynote speaker by Prof. Yin Leng Theng from NTU Singapore started by presenting the latest findings on workplace safety ownership model. Fraunhofer FKIE continued with the topic of military truck convoy driving automation by Dr. Joscha Wasser, immediately followed by Aalto University Prof. Kari Tammi demonstrating their mixed reality solutions. The afternoon coffee break provided time to familiarize more with the demonstrations but soon it was time for the last presentation. It was given by Timo Haavisto from Turku UAS about multi-user environments in big data visualization and remote control. The seminar ended with an interesting panel discussion about the benefits of advanced UI’s for improving safety in industry. During the discussion, it was agreed that that metaverse provides lots of good opportunities in the future.

Further information

Novia UAS, Tommy.Valojoki, Project Manager,
Novia UAS, Mikael Manngård, Project Manager,

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